

Automatic Round Length: Sets the amount of time each automatic round will last.

  • If Automatic Round Length is changed during a round, the change will not take effect until the next round.

Admin Approval Required: When on, eliminations will not be processed until an admin approves them manually. When off, eliminations will be approved automatically after being submitted.

Approval Buffer: After the end of the automatic round, admins will have this long to approve eliminations before the next round starts.

  • Approval Buffer is only available when Admin Approval Required is on.
  • Any eliminations not approved before the start of the next round will be AUTOMATICALLY DENIED.
  • Example: Your round starts at 12PM Sunday, has a length of 7 days, and an Approval Buffer of 6 hours. The round will end at 12PM the following Sunday, and admins will have until 6PM that day to approve/deny eliminations. The next round will start at 6PM that day and end the following Sunday at 12PM.

Auto Revive: When on, all eliminated players/teams will be automatically revived at the end of the round.

  • Auto Revive cannot be turned on if Auto Elimination is on.

Auto Elimination: When on, players/teams need one or more eliminations during the round, or they will be eliminated at the end of the round. This elimination can be their target, a bounty, or a player during the purge. When off, players are not required to eliminate someone to make it to the next round.

  • An elimination only grants a player safety from Auto Elimination for the round the elimination was in. Example: Player gets an elimination in round 1. This elimination will grant that person safety from `Auto Eliminationa at the end of round 1, but not at the end of round 2.
  • If ANY member of a team eliminates a player, the entire team is safe from Auto Elimination for that round.
  • Auto Elimination will not eliminate players marked as safe.
  • A player will be safe from Auto Elimination if the player they are targeting is marked as safe.
  • In a team game, a team will be safe from Auto Elimination if ALL PLAYERS on the team they are targeting are marked safe. If only some players on the team they are targeting are marked safe, they will NOT be safe from Auto Elimination.
  • When Auto Elimination and Inherit Targets are on, players/teams still only need 1 elimination during the round to be safe from Auto Elimination for that round.

Inherit Targets: When on, and you eliminate the player/entire team you are targeting, you will receive the player/entire team they were targeting as your new target. When off, players will not receive a new target after eliminating a player/team during the round.

  • When Inherit Targets is turned on mid round, eliminations from that point on will result in players inheriting targets. Eliminations during that round prior to Inherit Targets being turned on will not result in players inheriting targets. New targets can be assigned manually if necessary.

Open Eliminations: When on, players can submit eliminations for anyone in the game, not just their targets. When off, players can only submit eliminations for their targets.

Full Team Elimination: When on, team’s with at least 1 player left at the end of the round will have all team members automatically revived at the start of the next round. When off, no players will be automatically revived through this feature.