

Only admins can control the following:

Eliminate: To manually eliminate a player, press the three dots next to the player’s name on the Players screen, then press Eliminate.

Add Bounty: To add a bounty to a player, press the three dots next to the player’s name on the Players screen, then press Add Bounty.

  • Adding a bounty to a player means that player can be eliminated by any other player in the game.
  • Once a bounty has been added to a player, the bounty will remain until the player is eliminated or the bounty is removed.
  • A player with a bounty is visible to all players.
  • The location of a player with a bounty is visible to all players if Map Enabled is on.

Mark Safe: To manually mark a player as safe, press the three dots next to the player’s name on the Players screen, then press Mark Safe.

  • Once a player is safe, they cannot be eliminated during that round.
  • Being marked safe will only last until the end of the round.
  • When Auto Elimination is on, players who are marked safe will be exempt from Auto Elimination during that round and will not be eliminated, regardless whether or not they eliminated another player during the round.

Mark Paid: To mark a player as paid, press the three dots next to the player’s name on the Players screen, then press Mark Paid.

  • Marking as paid is used to keep track of players participation in prize pools (prize pools are not managed by Splashin).
  • Admins can add the prize pool total on the game home screen for other players to see.

Remove Player: To manually remove a player from the game completely, press the three dots next to the player’s name on the Players screen, then press Remove Player.

Revive: To manually revive a player, press the Revive button next to the player’s name on the Players screen.