Securing Your Game

Securing your game and locations

At Splashin, we take individual and game privacy / security very seriously. As with everything in the app, we aim to give game admins as much control as possible over gameplay, interactions, and privacy of their players' data.

Note: Each player is able to revoke location access at any time by turning off location services in their phone settings or leaving the game. Some games may require location data to be available to play. By revoking location access, you may forfeit your spot in those games.

Securing access to your game

  1. Each game can require explicit approval from an admin for a player to join the game. Turn the setting Open Registration to OFF to require admin approval for new players to join the game.
  2. When a game starts, Splashin will automatically set Open Registration to OFF. This means that no new player can join the game without explicit admin approval.
  3. Admins can re-enable this setting at any time to allow new players to join the game without approval. BUT be careful, as this will allow anyone to join the game without approval and see location data. We recommend keeping this setting OFF at all times during a game.
  4. Admins can remove players from the game at any time. This will remove all location data for that player from the game.
  5. Players can also leave the game at any time. This will remove all location data for that player from the game.

Securing access to location data

Before Splashin was created, many other location based apps were used to play similar elimination style games. These solutions offered no security around your location data as anyone in the group, even if they were eliminated or not targeting you could see your location.

Splashin gives admins MANY options to control how location data is shared.

Note: If the game has any location access enabled, admins will be able to see all location data for players in the game. This is to ensure that admins can moderate the game and ensure that all players are playing fairly. If the game does not use location data at all, then admins will not have access to that data either.

Location data can be shared in the following ways:

  • No locations: Disable all location features in the game by turning the setting Map Enabled to OFF. When off, no location data will be required or accessible to any player in the game.
  • Targets Only: Only players who are currently targeting you will be able to see your location. This is the most secure option. When a round is not active, or no one is targeting you, your location will not be visible to any players. This setting is achieved by turning the setting Show all players (Purge) to OFF and Show all players(Round) to OFF.
  • Show all players during rounds: When enabled, any active player with the Splashin Premium can see the location of all active players in the game during an active round. This setting is often used to coordinate cross team strategies where players who are not targeting each other.
  • Show all players during purge: When enabled, all active players can see the location of all other active players in the game during a purge. This setting can be enabled by turning the setting Show all players (Purge) to ON.