

Edit Game Name: Press the pencil icon next to the game name to edit.

Edit Game End Date: Press the pencil icon next to the game end date to edit. This setting is only available in Blitz games.

Open Registration: When on, anyone with the game code can join the game automatically. When off, admins have to approve all players who request to join.

Hide Admins: When on, admins’ identity will not be visible to players. When off, admins’ identity will be visible to all players.

  • When Hide Admins is on, admins can still participate in the game.

Enable Chats: When on, all chats will be available. When off, all chats will be disabled.

  • Includes team chats.
  • With chats disabled, players will still be able to message admins directly.
  • Admins have the ability to mute players in the main chat. To do this, press the … in the chat window, select Participants, then press the Mute button next to the desired player.
  • To start a chat with game admins, navigate to the Admins tab on the game home screen, then press the chat icon next to the admin you wish to chat with or press Chat With Admin Group to chat with all the admins in your game.
  • If Hide Admins is enabled, players will only have the option to Chat With Admin Group and will not be able to start a chat with specific admins of that game.

Max Teams: Maximum amount of teams that can participate in a game, set by admins.

Max Players Per Team: Maximum amount of players allowed on one team, set by admins.

  • Teams can have as little as 1 player, this function only controls the maximum number of players per team.
  • The maximum number of total players in a game is 1000.

Purchase Items: If enabled, players can purchase items from the Shop using points. If disabled, players can not purchase items from the Shop using points.

  • If Purchase Items is disabled during a Battle Royale game, all players points will be reset to 0 and purchased items will remain in their inventory, unless Item Usage is disabled. During a Blitz game, the player's points will not be affected.
  • If Purchase Items is disabled during a Battle Royale game then re-enabled, players will not receive their old points.
  • You earn points by eliminating your targets (+100 pts) and eliminating bounties (+150 pts).
  • If you eliminate a bounty who also happens to be your target, you will receive +150 pts.
  • Points cannot be manually altered.
  • Team points are the sum of all players points on a team.

Item Usage: If enabled, all items are able to be used. If disabled, no items are able to be used.

  • This includes both items from the map and items purchased from the Shop.
  • If Item Usage is turned off mid game, players who purchased items will be refunded the points used to purchase those items.