

Open Registration: When on, anyone with the game code can join the game automatically. When off, admins have to approve all players who request to join.

Hide Admins: When on, admins’ identity will not be visible to players. When off, admins’ identity will be visible to all players.

  • When Hide Admins is on, admins can still participate in the game.

Enable Chats: When on, all chats will be available. When off, all chats for your game will be disabled.

  • Admins have the ability to mute players in the main chat. To do this, press the … in the chat window, then press the Mute button next to the desired player.

Max Teams: Maximum amount of teams that can participate in a game, set by admins.

Max Players Per Team: Maximum amount of players allowed on one team, set by admins.

  • Teams can have as little as 1 player, this function only controls the maximum number of players per team.
  • The maximum number of total players in a game is 1000.